Saturday, March 22, 2014


The Fault In our Stars


Here's how it goes...

 Dying girl meets hot close to dying boy. Hot boy and dying girl fall in teenage love and go on adventures to Amsterdam together to met her fave author. Dying girl is disappointed by her meeting an author with no feels whatsoever. Dying girl and hot boy admit their love to each other and have youknowwhat (it was actually cute and hilarious reading it ). In a horrible twist of fate, dying girl lives while hot boy dies. boy writes a LOVELY letter to the writer mostly telling him what a spaz he is for having no feelings whatsoever(it was a eulogy written to her) .The end.

Pretty elaborate huh?

Dying girl: Hazel Grace Lancaster

Hot boy: Augustus Waters ( CAUTION: Hotness overload)

OMG the feels I went through reading this were like..... Skyrocketing!

And it’s like the whole book’s written in hazel POV.

Not only does the book showcase her witty yet tragic life, it also gives us an idea of why she talks like she does, why she tells it like it is. Plus, Hazel's writing is easy to follow because it's written in a conversational way; as if we're sitting down talking to a close friend. And that makes us feel like we really know Hazel ( I kinda felt I was Hazel !)

John Green (the author) has done a fantastic job in portraying and capturing the mind of a young adult. So props to him !!

Can’t wait to see it in the theatres!

Here’s the trailer:

XOXO  (oooh gossip girl!)


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